
Kelly joined Behr in 2006 and has worked in the H2S Release Rate Group since.

Some of his main responsibilities include:

  • H2S release rate calculations for proposed and operating wells

  • Release Volume calculations for pipeline gathering systems

  • Emergency Planning Zone calculations for wells and pipeline gathering systems using both the nomograph and the ERCBH2S computer model

  • CSV file creation for use with the ERCBH2S computer model

  • H2S release rate and release volume reports for submission to the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) and the British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission (BC OGC)

  • Providing support information for well license audit information packages

  • Class I BOP Application - Flareline Reduction Requests

  • Kelly assists in managing requests for projects from clients and assign / distribute to team members

  • Assists in training new members and summer students

  • Kelly has assisted the Emergency Response Planning group by acting as a simulator during full scale exercises by acting as residents